
Newspeak House is seed-financed by an endowment from the founding Dean, and operational funds come from private hires of Newspeak Hall, membership and tenant rents. It is currently a limited company with the Dean as sole shareholder.

Currently, the Dean acts as a Benevolent Dictator (

I recognise that this isn't very transparent, but Newspeak House did not have a clear founding; it evolved out of other ongoing activities, and so far the priority has been on survival, setting up basic operations and strategy development.

As the organisation matures and stabilises, and as more of its operational funding comes from membership, transitioning to other governance models will be considered - probably a CIC.

I hope at this stage trust in the organisation is communicated through actions; the events we host, the activities of the fellows, the language we use, and the people who choose to associate with Newspeak House.

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